We’ll all be moving through autumn in roughly monthly intervals until just before Christmas and the Winter equinox takes place. So perhaps we should glance at some of the trends for each Sun sign as the stars follow their path.
Aries: In October, you likely are concerned with relationships and perhaps even thinking nostalgically of an old romance. You may be caught off-guard by someone openly declaring not only is the friendship at an end, but he/he can’t stand the sight of you.
November may bring some details to clear up about joint or community property. As the year draws to a close and the holidays assume center stage, you may think much more often about the religion or philosophy in which you were reared.
Taurus: Self-improvement may take some hard work or determination as you change an unhealthy diet or resolve to ‘walk off’ those extra pounds. In November, love and relationships can preoccupy your thoughts and actions. You may want to check on your deductions and schedules for purchasing stocks or bonds to be sure taxes don’t inflict a painful lesson.
Gemini: The first month of autumn may find you immersed in creative projects. Then November makes you aware of the hard work needed to bring those creative visions to a practical use. Your marriage or closest relationship will dominate the scene in December; be sure to set time aside to simply be together and enjoy the season.
Cancer: Probably you’ll be putting final touches on the new paint and drapes in your home or other improvements in October, while November sees you urging your children to contact you much more often. The last of autumn brings the final reports, meetings and details to conclude work projects satisfactorily.
Leo: At the beginning of the change of seasons you’ll likely be in much more contact with neighbors. November sees you indoors and preoccupied with domestic matters. If at all possible, given these strange times, you’ll want your children home for the holidays, whether Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Virgo: You may be planning or instigating a change in your finances, perhaps getting more education or training in order to earn more. Communications move to the forefront in November, while it’s not only traditional but absolutely part of your intrinsic make-up to concentrate on your home in December.
Libra: You may decide a change of seasons means a change of hair or clothing as you begin showing another facet of your personality to the outside world. Money then takes center stage in November, so practice a bit of caution and don’t go overboard in financing the ‘new you.’ Expect to send many letters, texts or cards and make lots of calls in December.
Scorpio: Autumn begins by activating your twelfth house of subconscious memories and secrets; perhaps resulting in vivid dreams or a vague sense of something being revealed to you now. In November you feel centered and powerful once more. You may feel compelled to watch your expenses for Christmas this year.
Sagittarius: You can work within several groups to accomplish agendas in early autumn. Those people you work with often become friends of long standing. The next month chides you for making excuses or trying to escape into the past when confronted with a problem that simply refuses to just go away. Your jovial personality shines forth in December.
Capricorn: You begin the change of seasons working very hard on getting your career in order; perhaps asking for more responsibility before asking for a raise later. Your friends will be supportive in November. In December, don’t give into a sense of self-pity if you can’t be carelessly partying when work calls again.
Aquarius: The urge to take a long journey is nearly overwhelming in October; perhaps you can do it virtually. Concentrate on your career in November and decide once and for all exactly how ambitious you are willing to be. Friends will be most important in the last weeks of autumn and as winter comes on stage.
Pisces: Autumn’s beginning can bring wills and legacies to your attention for action. You may direct a large project involving many of your friends in November. Your profession may undergo some changes in December.
Even raking leaves can be a meditation; concentrate on the mundane and let your subconscious mind work on what’s most needed in your life now. – MZ