Now, just to alert you – (or alarm you – your choice) this week is quite possibly significant in your life, particularly if you’re a Libra native. Since we just experienced the equinox, when summer turns into autumn and a lunar eclipse before that, there have been myriads of details swarming about us. And to add to the mix, there’s a solar eclipse coming up on October 2, 2024.
It’s like the stars and planets decided amongst themselves that life for humans had gotten a bit dull – so they’ll liven things up. And if you’re a Libra, as I mentioned above, with your Moon also in Libra, you may want to stay home the second day of October. That’s only if you feel you’re sometimes too easily influenced by the planets and their aspects. If, however, you feel immune to such things, by all means go ahead and take that temporary job as a lion tamer for the circus. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. Keep your mouth shut, an escape hatch planned and your phone and a reasonable amount of cash on hand for a three-day interval, Oct. 1, 2 and 3. If you get through this time without saying ‘yes’ to an impromptu proposal (may not be marriage – could be the chance to buy a franchised bait shop) or you don’t jump aboard the nearest barge and travel the Mississippi River as a stowaway, then you indeed have courage, stamina and rock-hard resolve in your personality. Congratulations, and please volunteer to be the steady hand hovering over the infamous Red Button of assured destruction. That’s where you’ll be needed, to rescue the rest of us.
But for myself, I’ll take dull and even boring over chaos any day.
However, there is one period of potential chaos that I’m looking forward to, almost like a kid waiting for Christmas. It’s November 19, 2024, when Pluto re-enters Aquarius and immediately starts sniffing out corruption, lies, hidden sleight-of-hand tricks in business, politics and the general welfare. O, what a tangled web we have woven over many, many years. And that silken web of threads will lead to disclosure of too many secrets to keep track of without a scorecard.
Please pardon me if I sound a bit vindictive, or perhaps gloating. But it’s been so many times your favorite ancient astrologer had to grind her teeth to keep from answering some pompous ass with the naked truth, simply because to do so would have set off retaliation against many innocent people.
Karma will always win eventually. (That’s a tattoo to reckon with.) All any of us have to do is lead a good life of being kind to each other, of dealing square and being honest in business projects and never entering a romantic relationship that’s doomed to make the Titanic sinking look like a toy boat bobbing in the bath tub. The next nineteen or twenty years (the length of time Pluto will sashay around Aquarius, depending on how your ephemeris counts the cycles) will see many an evil-doer brought to justice as the gods on Olympus watch and wager how civilization will emerge at the end of all those years.
As the old curse said, “May you live in interesting times.” Think of the next two decades as not just ‘interesting,’ but a time to trap the rats, thoroughly clean house in Congress, state legislatures and yes, the judicial system, and set your in-laws back on their heels as to whether they’re going to run your life any longer. Remember, it’s none of their damn business. And that’s a good quote to live by, as long as you don’t deliberately hurt someone or expose an innocent party to a ravening mob.
One more old saying to round out this short article: “The mills of the gods grind slowly, but oh, they grind exceedingly fine.” Pluto is no stranger to reducing fortunes, egos or empires to powdery dust. Pluto will also reward those who are striving to help those previously browbeaten people to a fair chance at last to rebuild their lives. Power to the people, indeed. It’s way overdue. – MZ