Now let’s work our way through the rest of the planets to figure out how we may use astrology to predict (ha) the weather. Last week’s column noted traits of the Sun and continued down the list to examine Mars in context with weather conditions. We’ll begin today’s column with Jupiter’s influences.
Jupiter, known as the planet of benevolence, is usually a harbinger of pleasant weather, the type described in bucolic poetry murmuring of gentle breezes and soft sunlight. Keep in mind, however, Jupiter is also a planet of expansiveness, and temperatures tend to rise under its influence. It may also bring hot, dry winds. Usually, this planet brings weather fine enough to be outdoors enjoying the same.
Saturn engenders gloomy, cold, wet and long-lasting dreary weather; look for storms to linger long past anyone’s desiring such. Punishing freezes, hail and ferocious blizzards which endanger crops and farm animals are a feature of Saturn’s aspects to the more temperamental planets, such as Mars and/or the Moon, or aspects between the Sun, Saturn and Uranus.
Uranus is a very quirky planet, producing startling shifts in what has been routine, so expect drought where there’s been flooding or vice versa. A sudden spate of frigid weather in the middle of summer can be laid to Uranus’ doorstep when in a stand-off with Neptune. (One example: a cold front hit southern Ohio in July, 1963, resulting in people having to start their oil furnaces in the middle of summer as night temperatures dropped to near freezing.) Very fast and strong winds often accompany this planet aspecting Mars in a square or opposition. Extremely bitter cold is another Uranus hallmark.
Chilly, clammy fogs, landslides caused by torrential rains and unpredictable thaws in the normal winter cycle are instigated by Neptune. Extremely odd weather occurs when Neptune enters the picture; rain containing small frogs, horizontal lightning, thunder in the midst of near-blizzard snowstorms and so forth as another planet (Mars, the Moon, Saturn) dares cross its orbit in a square or opposition. In particular, if Saturn is challenging Neptune in a square, expect hail of an unusual size and speed. Sandstorms, hazy conditions and smoke pollution also may be featured. Tornadoes and hurricanes are a grim possibility; when Mercury is in an aggressive square with Neptune these storms may be especially violent with powerful winds augmented by Neptune’s power.
Pluto, Uranus and Saturn in a Grand Square would likely produce record-breaking storms noted for their violent destruction and huge costs to rebuild what was once in the path of an EF5 tornado or a Category 5 hurricane. Let’s hope this Grand Square doesn’t match up very often; it appears to engender storms of such fury as to cause great loss of life. Pluto of course also rules atomic power and its usual pattern is to destroy so that something better may be rebuilt, but when this attribute scours entire towns from the map, trying to even plan reconstruction is a daunting prospect.
So how do planets which are so many miles away from earth produce effects upon its surface? And what could be said to trigger earthquakes? Weather is still an unknown. Perhaps with the rise of Artificial Intelligence, we can have the computing power to figure the variables closely and find solutions to these and other questions.
Let me know, dear readers, if any of you are inspired to conduct your own Astrology and Weather studies. I would be most interested in your findings. The Comments Section welcomes students and astrologers alike. – MZ