Today’s quote
“Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.” Mark Twain
Write Up The Road’s Blog Posts
“Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.” Mark Twain
He tapped his fingers on the cover of the book causing the quandary. It was now very overdue, making him feel even more guilty. Still, he had tried to return it – what, a month ago? And had gotten to the front door, pulled it open and then clumsily dropped the book on the top
Barrow Road The wheelbarrow approached him at an angle, almost as though it wished to disguise its lack of any apparent propelling force: certainly no ruddy-faced farmer nor lightly-muscled adolescent grasped its handles. There was no human nor animal pulling, pushing or even trying to keep it in a straight path. It trundled itself
Those little bits of sprinkles that decorate the top of a chocolate doughnut … those little bits of pencil erasers which completely unnerve the cats … the little bits of spinach which stick between your teeth … tiny little bits of glitter which make the stars on the Christmas tree glow in the dark …
Fact: Light travels faster than sound. Is this why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. The sun is actually white when seen from space because its light isn’t scattered by the earth’s atmosphere. From Venus, you wouldn’t see the sun at all because the atmosphere is too thick. Oh, and you’d be
The Speed of Light – Light Facts Read More »
What has happened to our brash, ‘I-can-do-it’ style of American English? Has anyone else noticed? Passive verbs have overtaken our vocabulary.