It seems as if everyone who possesses the tiniest fragment of interest in astrology is busy writing a blog/column/white paper on today’s Full Moon; dubbed a ‘Super Moon’ to give more weight to the subject, perhaps.
My dear students, let’s ignore what everyone else is doing and look first at the planets also impacted by this intriguing set of celestial circumstances. Jupiter, the planet of benevolence, is at 17 degrees Gemini, while Saturn, almost the antithesis of Jupiter, is at 17 degrees Pisces. (For the sake of brevity, I’m not including the minutes or seconds of the aspects. Trust me, they’re square to each other.)
If you have a head-on collision between expansion and open-handed generosity vs. duty, responsibility, grim determination – you have a classic example of the square between Jupiter and Saturn. I would wager many people today will have to choose between ‘I want to’ and ‘I have to do this.’ It may be a case of listening to your heart or your conscience; try to weigh the possible outcomes between the two extremes – and then aim for somewhere at the midpoint. You shouldn’t have to give up a dream for the sake of harmony among your close associates; neither should you force someone else to assume drudgery or a terrible burden because you see it as their obligation.
Take a few quiet moments to think; see if there isn’t some means by which you can help the other person deal with their responsibilities, or think of a way the dream may/can be deferred – but don’t allow him/her to give up that dream altogether. That wouldn’t be right either. While compromise might be a filthy word in some political circles, in the real world it’s often a real solution. Let yours be the voice of compassion and reason, while assisting hope taking its first wobbly steps toward fulfillment.
Another way to consider it is to picture a house being built; the foundation and walls, plumbing and electrical wiring must be installed – these would be the Saturn parts. After these are completed, then the paint, wallpaper, appliances, furnishings must be selected and placed just so – these would vibrate to Jupiter’s influence and a sturdy, lovely home would be ready for occupants.
Now let’s add to the equation – Mars, the planet of energy, war and impatience is conjunct Jupiter by hovering at 19 degrees Gemini. Common sense and ‘pay as you go’ planning could be steamrollered at this point and reason thrown out the window. My best advice would be to remind everyone concerned that Mercury is still retrograde until August 28; maybe that can buy you a little time to cool down everyone’s temper and get a consensus on what is best for all parties involved. If that ploy doesn’t work, put on your hard hat and quietly leave the room.
A couple of days ahead will be a bit dicey; the Moon transiting Aquarius (roughly 15 to 23 degrees) hasn’t quite reached its perfect square with Uranus in Taurus at 27 degrees. Here again, you have a potential conflict between the Moon (emotions, feelings) and tradition (Taurus) but Uranus (rapid changes; throwing the baby, the bathwater and the bathtub out) is also not ordinarily compatible with the earth sign Taurus in which it’s traveling. Time to take a deep breath. (Now you see why Madame Zombra no longer accepts individual clients for chart readings.)
You have the gamut of Moon emotions possibly joining forces with Uranus’ unbridled force to cause the equivalent of a major earthquake in many people’s lives. Try to reassure those who come to you asking for direction in the next few days. ‘This too shall pass’ is not just a homily. Suggest stepping away from the battleground and taking time out for meditation, counseling, a long walk. These astrological conflicts have occurred many times before, and they will do so again. And again.
Keep your wits about you and a firm grip on your money. Be noncommittal if you’re asked to choose sides. If pressed to ‘pick one!’ , tell whoever’s shoving for a decision that your astrologer has advised you to be an observer; not a direct participant, so your Natal chart can remain balanced. And then quietly leave the room.
Don’t forget your hard hat. Sticks and stones can hurt. – MZ