Thank you to everyone on the front lines of the COVID-19 battle: police officers, firefighters and EMTs, ambulance drivers, doctors, PAs, nurses, phlebotomists, x-ray techs, hospital personnel on multiple floors who serve behind the scenes including dieticians, housekeepers and laundry workers, health care workers at urgent care centers and nursing homes, veterinarians and vet techs. Our servicemen and women are in the trenches too.
Additional thanks to the truck drivers and trucking company personnel who keep the supplies going to the areas that need them, dock and port workers. Let’s not forget the mail carriers, sorters and other workers; trash collectors, food workers, servers, chefs, fry cooks, kitchen clean-up crews, restaurant and hotel staff. Janitors, window washers and disinfectant crews are working throughout the nation now to contain the unseen enemy. Doormen and apartment managers do their part, just as grocery store checkers and stockers serve to make sure their customers have food during a possible sequestering of the neighborhood.
There are so many others to thank as well, bravely and quietly ‘doing their jobs’, getting the word out from newsrooms and broadcast studios, newspaper offices and all the tech folks who keep the internet running. Thanks to all of you who keep each and every community, no matter how large or how small, working together as a unit and staying strong, no matter what the threat is at the gates. God bless.