Greetings to my favorite people in the world; my astrology students and faithful readers. There’s some chatter on the net about how horrible and terrifying this Wednesday is going to be; apparently it’s going to be nip and tuck as to whether the end of the world is truly upon us.
Madame Zombra is beginning to wonder where the current crop of internet astrologers is getting their information; specifically, are they using an ephemeris, do they know how to use said ephemeris, and what degree of orb are they using in their calculations? It seems to me that their orbs are being stretched to include the entire 30 degrees of a sign, given the near-hysterical response of one much-followed astrologer to the planetary alignment for Wednesday, August 14, 2024. (And in the olden days, said astrologer would have some explaining to do, as according to the medical minds of yore, only women could have hysterics because only women have the necessary internal organs to give birth. Since hysteria ‘originates in said internal organs,’ ergo, no male could have hysterics.)
There is a Grand Square by sign on the upcoming Wednesday. If you checked your calculations by the hour and found 12 degrees Moon in Sagittarius; the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini at 16 degrees plus 15/34 minutes respectively; Venus in Virgo at 10 degrees and fifty-five minutes, a Retrograde Saturn in Pisces at 17 degrees and 15 minutes, then you’d have a nearly perfect Grand Square by degree and by sign. I use the traditional 10 degrees orb for Sun and Moon positions, with 6 degrees for all other planets. But you can ignore all that. Just think ‘Grand Square.’
A square obviously needs four sides, so Moon in Sagittarius is square Venus in Virgo, square Retrograde Saturn in Pisces, and opposite both Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. Draw a line from North to South and East to West across any Natal chart, and you can see what is meant by a Grand Square a little easier.
Now, in short, the reactions of the four signs most involved in this Square. If you’re a Virgo, you may react negatively to the Moon squaring your love planet, and flatly refuse to eat at Wendy’s one more time as a romantic dinner. A Sagittarian could experience blisters and a limp on a too-long hike for the condition he or she is in with Saturn in Pisces. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, within mere minutes of perfection, and opposite Moon in Sagittarius could mean a forceful argument from the Twins for spending a great deal of money on something dear to their heart but so far out of budget it’d be foolish in the extreme, and poor Pisces could see a new horde of responsibilities heaped on the doorstep.
So if you’re a Sagittarius, a Pisces, a Gemini or a Virgo, just stay calm and don’t carry on if you miss your subway stop, have a shoe sole come undone, forget your wallet or have library overdue book fines, try to ‘go with the flow.’ Yes, annoyances will be rampant for many on Wednesday. I don’t think most of the flubs and foibles will be catastrophic in nature. Throw the current Retrograde Mercury into the mix, and all my students know to ‘expect the unexpected.’
And if we get invaded by little green men from Mars on August 14, you can blame me for not warning everyone about the upcoming event. – MZ