FEEL FREE TO WRITE MY BIOGRAPHY Just leave me out of it. WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT? He yelled at me. In Spanish. SANCTIONS Always sweeping, ever so stiff. IF YOU’RE HAVING TROUBLE VIEWING THIS EMAIL You deserve more from your points. THE CAT Did he jump up there? Don’t let him jump up there. He already ate. OUTING We bought a washer and dryer from Best Buy. Not the top of the line, but functional. Then we went to Walmart For penetrating oil. IMAGINING ACCEPTANCE And subsequent taking of the world by storm. CHAMPIONS TRAIN Losers complain. IF YOU NOTICE THIS WHEN YOU EAT, IT COULD BE AN EARLY SIGN OF DEMENTIA You can’t remember how the food came to be in front of you, Nor the name of what it is you’re eating. But if you don’t notice it, don’t worry about it. AT THE BEGINNING I WAS CONFUSED But now I’m not. THESE DAYS A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE SAYING Oh look how cute. BIBLE STUDY Led by The Conqueror Worm. DEATH, THE BRAND And working within that.
© 2021 Randy Stark
Please visit my website at www.randystark.com.
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