ITALIAN ROAST I have kleptomania, she says. Are you taking anything for it, I ask? Student loans, she replies. SO THE MESSAGE IS HEY That wasn’t pudding. That was crème brulee. TOO BAD THAT COAT HAS REAL RABBIT FUR ON IT It’s cute. KISS THE PAST GOODBYE All the history you need to know. HEALTHY FATS Picture perfect fish tacos. Tons of craft beer. Our way of saying thanks. FISH TACOS? Maybe back when. IF YOUR BODY REFUSES TO BURN FAT Press pound. NOT NOW Now! PHOTOS I don’t know if any of them are going to come out. I should have just taken a video. OUT OF FAIRNESS Username cannot be the same as password.
© 2022 Randy Stark
Please visit my website at www.randystark.com.
My books are available on Amazon.