SAVINGS ALERT The savings are heating up. ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Seeking sinus pain relief At the hot service deli. CASH BACK Automatically. QUIET CAR On Saturdays, it kind of goes out the window. TOILET PAPER POKER I’ll see you a roll And raise you a roll. JESUSCHRIST Upper case, no space. DESIGNER DOGS They are so going through the roof. PLOT VS. NARRATIVE The story of Bikini Kill And the riot grrrls who loved them. HUMILITY I don’t thinking about it. Is my follower increasing? VAX ‘N’ WAX He’s going to use his gift card. BEFORE DAWN I wasn’t here. Were you? ETERNITY Don’t ever take your love away. That kind of eternity? EXISTENTIAL DOUBT Who does that anymore? KNIFE ATTACK Stabbing pain. VIRAL THREAD It’s a g thing. STUPIDITY The third leading cause of deep doo doo.
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