Who Said “A Curtain is Not a Cabbage”?

If you’re like me you guessed Gertrude Stein, and like me you’d be wrong. It’s Edgar Allan Poe.

But let’s take the guesswork out of the rest of this combo Choice Bits/Shop Talk summertime post.

Julia Kristeva:

“In terms of their attitude toward life, cultivated and cultivating people are vegetarian wolves,
lying in wait for the harvest.”

George Orwell:

“A poem is an arrangement of sounds and associations, as a painting is an arrangement of brushmarks. For short snatches, indeed, as in the refrain of a song, poetry can even dispense with meaning altogether.”

Robert Louis Stevenson:

“None can care for literature in itself who do not take a special pleasure in the sound of names.”

Clive James:

“Every editor in the world knows what kind of bad poetry I am talking about. It arrives by the sheaf, by the bundle, by the bale. The poet, usually young, but sometimes in his old age, has discovered his power to rhyme, and what he thinks is rhythm. The editor, in his turn, discovers over and over that the more a poet’s creativity might be lacking, the more his productivity will be torrential.”

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