Just Out from Nude Erections

My book of poems. Hooray
For parents who name their daughters Desiree!
She said neurosis; I thought she said blue roses.
Not so much poetry as air hockey prose
And although I hope by Sunday to come to
It’s not really my place or in my power
To make those kinds of dreams come true.
Green grew the Cadillacs.
Wild asparagus couldn’t stop them.
And you couldn’t tell the Vandals from the Huns
From the president of Liberia waving to the president
Of Gabon across the Gulf of Guinea.
And you sure the hell didn’t want them remembering
The Golden Rule say people close to the situation.

From ¡Simpático Patio!

I expect an autumn 2020 release date for the new and revised 15th anniversary digital edition of ¡Simpático Patio!

© 2020 Randy Stark

Please visit my website at www.randystark.com and my page at Write Up The Road.