Madame Zombra

Please join me, Madame Zombra, in the future for a little astral travel, if you will. We shall look at the planets in their transits as they occur, not as prophecy but as signposts for our journey. In columns ahead, if you have questions, you may use the Comments section to ask them and I will do my best to answer your query.

T or F

“Assuming that the astrologers have been as busy in their special department of research as have the representatives of other branches of learning in theirs, it may reasonably be expected that with an equal body of tradition behind them and an equal field of experimental research before them, they have arrived at conclusions of which […]

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Caution: musing is sometimes fraught with hazards and can engender a grouchy outlook for the day. Conversely, a ‘think session’ may yield tremendous results: a better approach to a fractious boss, some creative cupboard cooking which produces a tasty meal from ingredients on hand, better control of the budget. A solution to a difficult situation

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Take heart, all of my readers who are also writers, for even Sir Walter Scott suffered at the hands and pens of critics.  Here is a quote from the anonymous “British Critic” in 1815, just after the publication of Scott’s second novel (in two volumes), Guy Mannering, or, The Astrologer. “We cannot, however, conclude this

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Red Alert

“Phhhbbbtt.” Mercury goes retrograde today until May 14, 2023. I truly wish I could add the Star Trek ‘Red Alert’ warning klaxon – but that’s not necessary. You, dear readers, know what to expect and what to do. We’ll get through yet another scheduled aberration. Have a cup of coffee or tea and take time

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Triple header

It seems oddly significant to me that Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter – all planets considered heavy weights by many astrologers – will be lined up in adjacent signs. Pluto entered Aquarius on March 23 this year, right alongside the Spring Equinox, and it’ll be interesting to watch the transformations this planet will bring – or

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